Alexandru TRIFU


In our era, of globalization, of postmodernism, we may speak about modern ethic management.

The complex and multilevel system which is the entity, i.e. firm, company, organization, is confronting with different challenges of the endogenous factors and exogenous factors (the natural and business environment).

What we are interested in emphasizing the other modality of ruling an entity: the mismanagement. The mismanagement exists, not only in Romania, but all over the world, because in a competitive and open economy, not all the companies succeed, some of them go into insolvency, fail and disappear. Why? Either because managers’ incompetence and inabilities, or intentionally, pursuing unorthodox interests, outside the firm and supported by the organization in question management.

Thus, it come up the natural question:  we can talk about “Ethics” in this situation, or we are talking about “a special Ethics”, or we are not talking at all about Ethics?

These issues we try to emphasize them and to find an approach to complete or to highlight the importance of Ethics as qualitative and substance element of today entities’ activities. These are the  types of entities which tend to globalize and to enter in different political and economic spheres of influence, at regional or international levels.


bankruptcy entity, ethics, immoral behavior, mismanagement.


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Terec-Vlad, L., Trifu, A., Terec-Vlad, D., (2015), The Desisional Moment and Ethics, Ecoforum Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1(6), pp. 84-87

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Trifu, A., Terec-Vlad, L., (2013), The Trust Capital and the 4E Supporting the Theory and Practice of the Firm, Ecoforum Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1(2), pp. 48-50

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