The article analyzes internet advertising, the peculiarities of internet advertising strategy research, the process of internet advertising strategy. During the process of internet advertising strategy, the purpose of advertising is determined, the target audience is selected, the internet advertising strategy is developed, online advertising tools are selected, and the effectiveness of internet advertising tools is evaluated. Modern internet advertising not only provides information about the possibility to buy a product or use the service, but also helps the user to do so more rationally, because informs about quality. The article presents a model of internet advertising strategy. The aim of the article is to evaluate the peculiarities of internet advertising strategy. The tasks of the article are to analyze the concept of internet advertising, to analyze the peculiarities of internet advertising strategy research, to analyze the process of internet advertising strategy, to present the model of internet advertising strategy.
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DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2015/8-2/16
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