Ana-Carolina BÄ‚RBIERU, Svetlana MIHAILA, Galina BÄ‚DICU, Anatol GRAUR


The goal of this research is to elucidate the idea of integrated thinking, which was introduced in the Integrated Reporting (IR) initiative for the disclosure of non-financial data, because it has not been thoroughly studied and there is no consensus on its meaning. The literature on integrated thinking is thoroughly examined in this study combining the two bibliometric indices: Elsevier’s Scopus and Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science databases. The databases on the issue have a high level of complementarity, according to our searches. Their combined use has allowed us to track the volume and impact of studies on the issue in great detail. The main countries, publications, authors, articles, intellectual foundations, and themes are all identified. We also mapped the networks of co-authorship, co-citations, and co-keywords in integrated thinking research using Bibliometrix..


integrated thinking, integrated reporting; bibliometrics; research directions.


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