Camelia Cătălina Mihalciuc


The use of the cost of managing the economic entities by managers is an action of primary interest. Given the current economy, marked by globalization and increasing competition through the use of modern technologies, knowledge of management techniques through the use of cost information is a necessity. In order to optimize the link between management accounting and business management, managers need to develop their conceptual and methodological costs. Management may influence the size of a cost only if it manages to have accurate and timely information on the cause, value and consequences of its recording. The control of economic operations, economic processes and business sectors and implicitly of costs is a management priority, the latter being a desiderate pursued by managers at all levels of the hierarchy pyramid. Based on these considerations, the objective of the paper starts from the link between accounting and management, management accounting progressively evolving from the role of recording information on costing to informational support in management decision-making. Thus, providing cost information in the shortest possible time to substantiate managerial decisions allows the establishment of medium and long-term strategies that have as their starting point management accounting reports. This information represents the resource for the production process database and forms the support of the decision-making system, providing managers with cost-based options for setting the objectives, resources and resources needed to conduct the business.


management accounting; decision making process; cost calculation; fixe costs; variable costs.


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