Roman Stelica-Cosmin


Through a correct management of an organization, it can lead to its development and improvement of the organizational structure, resulting in an increase in the effectiveness of carrying out specific activities. Change management is seen as a challenge for any organization whether they are aware of it or not. An organization is exposed to failure if it lets change control it.

Improving the performance of an organization is based on identifying and understanding the functioning of governance structures and mechanisms. A successful organization achieves the best results in unpredictable moments, this cannot be achieved if it does not adapt to changes, does not take risks or if it is not flexible at key moments.

The process of adapting an organization in the context of change can induce a process of evolution or involution. Change management can facilitate the elimination of risk situations and the maintenance of the organizational environment in a situation of balance, thus contributing to ensuring a continuous development.


Organizational culture, Resistance to change, Process of change, Adaptability.


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