Andreea Nicoleta Bichel, Dragos Bujor, Corina Georgiana Serban Patrintas, Andreea Constantin, Adela Jansen


One can assume that the ethical business leader of the 21st century will need to become a leader of community in which they operate, answering to all stakeholders, guiding all stakeholders, mediating all stakeholders’ concerns. A virtuous position at first glance and one leader wants to aspire to in theory but frequently fail at in practice.
The current paper strives to underline the need of ethical conduct at both leader and stakeholders’ level and proposes the introduction of a code of ethical principles to be followed and introduced by the leader and all stakeholders in an organization. Such a code should promote a set of well-established principles to be agreed and followed by the parties involved. A five criteria set is proposed for the development of further codes of conduct, that will lead to more appropriate judgements and findings.


Leadership; Moral challenges; Ethical Decisions; Stakeholder capitalism; Sustainable Development


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