Comparison of Employment Support 2021-2027 under Cohesion Polic in the Czech Republic and Austria

Olga Nebeska


In the 2021-2027 programming period, the Cohesion Policy remains the main source of financial support in the area of employment and the labour market. On the cases of Austria and the Czech Republic, problem areas are analysed and their projection into the setting of goals financed from the ESF+ and the JTF in the field of employment. Based on established and comparable parameters, a number of similarities in strategic approach were identified, despite the fact that each of the analysed countries is in a different category as a developed region and have completely different funding from Cohesion Policy. Both countries face similar difficulties in the labour market, which are reflected in the setting of specific objectives, with an emphasis on disadvantaged groups, which differ slightly between the two countries. Both of the countries focus on improving access to the labour market for young people, people over 55, balancing work and personal life, healthy aging etc. On top of that AT places emphasis on the issue of women’s employment and long-term unemployment, while CZ addresses the issue of low participation of certain groups of people in the labour market and modernization of the employment services.


Austria; Cohesion Policy; Czech Republic; employment; funding


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