
This study delves into the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) in China, analyzing its influence on the nation's social entrepreneurship ecosystem. The research examines how public policy initiatives, particularly through the SIE Fund, catalyze innovation within social enterprises and impact the broader social entrepreneurship landscape. Employing a multidisciplinary approach and leveraging advanced analytical techniques alongside rich empirical data, the paper uncovers unique attributes of SIE Fund-backed initiatives. These initiatives demonstrate notable differentiation in product, process, marketing innovation, and the development of novel or enhanced social practices compared to their predecessors. The findings underscore the pivotal role of public policies in fostering expansion, diversity, and innovation within the social entrepreneurship sector. This is particularly relevant in the context of China and extends to East Asian countries with strong governmental influence facing similar socio-economic challenges. The paper contributes significantly to the understanding of how social entrepreneurship and social innovation interplay within entrepreneurial ecosystems in emerging markets. It offers invaluable insights for policymakers and practitioners aimed at enhancing support frameworks for social entrepreneurship, especially in regions confronting analogous structural and demographic hurdles.


Public policy, social enterprise, social innovation, social entrepreneurship, and social policy


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