Elena Anatolievna ZHIZHKO


This article is the result of scientific-sociological research, which was consisted in identify the main characteristics of the theory of marginality as a theoretical foundation for the study of migrant farmworkers. The author found that the study of migrant farm workers being socio-economically marginalized should be conducted from the positions of the theory of marginality, because this group of people has all the traits of marginalized: feeling “useless” in the new postindustrial society, present apathy, resistance, frustration, impotence, staff neglect and fatalism, absence of excellence spirit, accepting conformity with what little they have without trying to project towards a brighter future, formation of new identities and struggle. The theory of marginality analyzes not only the economic and social condition of the marginal people, but also their psychological state, that determines the first two: the marginalized internalize their exclusion and depend on it insomuch that cannot live without it, lose the orientation and even the very meaning of life.


socio-economically marginalized; study of migrant farmworkers in Mexico; the theory of marginality; marginal groups; marginal person.


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