An analysis of the present situation of rural areas in general, and of the Romanian ones in particular, represents an endeavour which cannot be undertaken in the absence of a historical analysis of the development of the rural environment, given the fact that the rural space has never been a static entity but a dynamic one, in constant confrontation with the urban environment. Given the strategic importance of agriculture as an economic activity, at present and throughout the history of human society, the study of its dynamics is of particular interest to researchers and specialists in the academic field, as the analyses and retrospective studies contribute to the elaboration of future strategies, despite the fact that the usefulness of such scientific studies is not generally acknowledged.
As an interdisciplinary field, the history of agriculture is closely connected to other sciences, e.g. agricultural economics, political economy, rural economy, forestry, archeology, ethnography, sociology and statistics. In spite of some considerable shortcomings, the available research on the economic history, the history of statistics and historical sociology of the Romanian rural space provides a general assessment of both advantages and drawbacks, for example as a result of the agrarian reforms and following the strategies and measures adopted by authorities with a view to improve the living standards of the inhabitants. Moreover, irrespective of any inherent deficiencies and/or limitations, the general assessment is bound to be an important source of information for future researchers, authorities or indeed anyone interested.
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