
In a global context, it is important for researchers and marketers alike to understand the behavior of consumers in general and their motivations in particular for purchasing luxury goods, while taking into account the cultural context of the buyers – an important aspect from the point of view of some marketing scholars.

This research investigates if the differences between consumers from different parts of the world influence their motivation for purchasing luxury goods.

Concerning motivations, we identified five categories: status, uniqueness, conformism, quality and hedonism, to which we added ostentation.

With regard to cultural values, we relied on the framework provided by Hofstede and took into account the values for individualism-collectivism, power distance, masculinity-femininity, uncertainty avoidance.

In this article we intend to develop a framework for analyzing the relationships between cultural values and motivations of purchase and consumption of luxury brands.

For this purpose we conducted a literature review on this topic, we developed a conceptual model of research and we formulated the hypotheses of research. Conceptual model of research and the hypotheses will form the basis of a quantitative research that will take place in Tunisia and Romania on two samples of 100 respondents each. This will facilitate empirical research comparing purchasing behavior of luxury brands consumers on the two markets.


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