The current study evaluates the development and perspective implication of social marketing interventions for empowering healthy life and well-being of the population in Georgia. The objective of the research is to analyze the impact of food labeling for healthy behavior change of Georgian consumers. The study revealed the strong correlation between awareness and education of consumer on food labeling and healthy behavior changing. One of the important factors of changing healthy behavior are increasing awareness and knowledge in food labeling among the general publics. Despite that Association Agreement with Europe requires implementation of new obligations regarding food security and nutrition policy Georgia faces challenges in this regard. The majority of the consumers are not satisfied with the food labeling in the local market. It is urgent to provide such public health policy, that has the effect of improving the availability, affordability and appropriateness of healthy behavior of the consumers. Consolidated work of government, business and civil society should be guaranteed for encouraging healthy behavior for the well being of the population. Social marketing promotion strategies such advertising, public relations and sales promotion have a positive role to encourage of consumer attention on food labeling.
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