Ana-Maria Hlaciuc


The theory of credibility (George Tavlas) pursues a neoclassical approach, ignoring the demand side. If aggregate offer is the subject of asymmetric shocks, it can no longer be possible to assert the superiority of the fixed rule to discretion, so that giving up currency and currency independence can result as very expensive.

Considering Keynesian origin, the traditional theory of optimal foreign exchange areas has focused on the demand side, ignoring the supply. As early as 1969, Kenen (P. B. Kenen) considered the technology shock to be provoked by supply, coupled with other shocks that hit demand, driven largely by changes in consumer preferences.


optimal currency area; integration; traditional theory


Y. Yshiyama, The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas: A Survey, in International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, 1975

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P.R. Krugman, M. Obstfeld, Economia Internazionale: Teoria e Politica Economica, II-a Edizione, Milano Hoelpi, 1993

De Grauwe, Economia dell’Unione Monetaria, IV Edizione, Il Mulino, Bologna

B. Eichengreen, F. Ghironi, European Monetary Unification: the Challenges Ahead, CEPR Discussion Paper, 1995

G. Gandolfo, Corso di Economia Internazionale, vol. II, Economia Internazionale Monetaria, Milano: UTET, 1994

J. Melitz, The Current Impasse in Research on Optimum Currency Areas, European Economic Review, vol. 39, 1995

Benjamin J. Cohen, Are Monetary Unions Inevitable?, International Studies Perspectives (2003) 4

P.B. Kenen, The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas: An Electic View, in Monetary Problems of the International Economy, R.A. Mundell and A.K. Swoboda, University of Chicago Press, 1969

George Tavlas, The Benefits and Costs of Entering the Eurozone, Cato Journal, vol. 24, 2004

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