Essential component in directing the activities of any organization, the decision is at the center of the concerns of many specialists, in an attempt to give it a comprehensive explanation. In such a way, the space of this article is dedicated to exposure to the various approaches that the administrative decision knows on the stage of the literature for explaining its significance and for emphasizing the role that it plays in the conducting the public administration activities. Beyond the variety of the approach perspectives analyzed, we have identified nuances that together allow the clarifying of the significance of the administrative decision, for which can be accepted the explanation of motor element, targeting instrument, of projection of what it needs to be done in the administrative activity. The research carried out shows that without consistent and effective decisions, the public administration is unable to satisfy the public needs as completely as possible. Only by adopting and implementing the most appropriate decision one will contribute to ensuring the effectiveness of the public administration activities with direct impact on the satisfaction of the public interest.
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