
Tourism is a complex activity involving a combination of material (accommodation, transport, tourist attractions) and psychological (specific attitudes, desires, human emotions) elements. In literature, there are numerous definitions demonstrating the complexity and importance of the tourism phenomenon. In general, entrepreneurship in tourism means enterprises, complex activities at both macro- and micro-economic levels. The concept of opportunity is a main theme in entrepreneurship. The goals of this paper concern the identification of reasons and resources necessary to establish a tourism firm. The paper analyses these aspects between 2005 and 2013 to identify possible changes during the years from the perspective of the Romanian enterpriser behaviour. The research method consisted in Eurostat and Romania statistic data collection, processing and interpretation. One of the issues related to Eurostat was the lack of complete data on tourism: we found only data regarding entrepreneurship in hotels and restaurants in 2005, which limited our study options and prevented us from approaching other tourisms sectors such as travel agencies, tour-operators, rural tourism and agri-tourism, bread & breakfasts, motels, and camping sites. The study on 2013 relied on a questionnaire applied online to accommodation units in Romania, and involved a wider range of Romanian tourism operators. Result analysis pointed out the fact that Romanian entrepreneurs wish to be financially independent, to be their own bosses, and to make more money – all important reasons in launching a tourism business in both 2005 and 2013. Analysis of financial resources used by Romanian entrepreneurs in tourism shows that most of the funds used by Romanian entrepreneurs in the field come form their own resources and from families and friends; bank credits, European funds or support from the authorities represent a smaller share in both studied years.


Entrepreneurship, start-up, tourism, hospitality, SMEs


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