Alexandru Mircea Nedelea, Marilena Oana Nedelea


The concept of marketing of diplomatic and consular services can be considered part of the public marketing, marketing of services (social and politics), non-profit marketing (due to the fact that this activity does not generate a finished product which will be sold) and the international marketing (through its global implications). Diplomacy, as part of the foreign policy of a state, needs quality communication.

In the activity of public diplomacy, the commonly used instruments, promotion means, will remain advertising and public relations, both representing a series of characteristics, particularities given by the specificity of the activity unfolded.

The marketing of diplomatic and consular services plays an important role in the identification, anticipation and quantification of the citizens’ needs and desires. The factors involved in this process are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the embassies and consulates.


marketing diplomatic; diplomacy


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