Liliana HÃŽNCU


The online advertising of Bucovina tourist area through web pages is a great means of promoting and attracting a large number of tourists. Given the varied tourist potential, the Bucovina area is appreciated by tourist both from the country and abroad. This tourist area is famous among the tourist areas of the country for its natural sights and anthropogenic tourist attractions, namely the so appreciated monasteries in northern Moldavia, who are also, part of them, included in the UNESCO World heritage site. For this reason we believe that web pages are very useful, being accessible to a large number of tourists in the country or abroad. It can also improve the process of booking accomodation, by incorporating requests, expectations and tourists’ needs into new possibilities of making reservations, making them easier, faster and more complete than the ones already available; it can improve the softwares used for creating the websites of accomodation units, tourist associations and tourism agencies, taking into account who creates them and the main tourists. Due to the fact that in tourism, the main resource is the human one, which involves constant evolution, these website have to constantly be updated and upgraded. Regarding the accomodation and food facilites, changes occur almost daily, so updating and upgrading websites is a necessity for their efficiency. Websites can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and in this paper we will seek those elements that will support the use of web pages.

In our paper, we will outline the importance of promoting tourism through web pages, and we will consider several ethical considerations relating to this aspect.


advertising, tourism, Bucovina area, Internet


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