Nuri Wulandari, Andi Novianti Maharani


Service quality become a focus by all company, including banks, to maintain its customer. Improving service quality is crucial for banks to deliver an outstanding customer experience. It is believed that customer satisfaction can be achieved only if customer experienced service that meet or beyond their expectation. Nevertheless, it is uncertain which aspects of service quality that we need to focus on.  This study examines service quality from four aspects such as operative aspect, physical aspect, new technologies and human aspect. Using quantitative survey method and convenience sampling 145 Islamic bank customer in Indonesia, it analyzes the result PLS-SEM analysis with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The study concluded that operative aspect and new technologies have significant contribution customer. In addition, customer experience is found to be able to create customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Islamic banking context.


service quality; experience; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty.


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