Astrid Fortmueller, Ann-Kathrin ARP, Jan KIEHNE, Matthias DUENNWEBER


Innovative leadership and marketing have made the “Styrian Volcanic Region” a role model for innovation and products of the highest quality, in a previously underdeveloped area. Intelligent decisions as well as the efforts of several players of different sectors have initiated a transformation process since 1995, which continues until today. By focusing on innovative products, building social values and bringing the region to international frontrunners, the goals were achieved in a protracted process.

The Styrian Volcanic Region (SVR) lies in the south-eastern part of Austria. The region participated and profited from the European Union „LEADER+“ program and was able to combine a high number of municipalities in the region by working together on a vision, which is something unique in the entire history of the country. The focus on the use of sustainable and organically grown products, the way of processing high-quality goods as well as the marketing of these products under one common region-label were the guarantors of success for a glorious transformation process. The innovative and future-oriented decisions of the entrepreneurs as well as the support of the local politicians have made this project possible and thanks to innovative leadership as well as marketing their vision became a reality.….


marketing, regional development, resources, impacts and visions


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